Company Overview
Chiropractic Center for sale in Illinois. The practice specializes in Chiropractic, decompression, acupuncture, E-stimulation, ultrasound, and laser. The practice has 4,800 patients.
Financial Information
The payer sources for the practice are commercial insurance (40%), Medicare (30%), Cash (20%), and Personal Injury (10%).
Revenue for the past 3 years has experienced a modest increase, as has EBITDA. In 2022, they grossed $660,000 with an EBITDA of $300,000. Gross revenue in 2023 was $680,000 with an EBITDA of $290,000. In 2024, gross revenue was $700,000 with an EBITDA of $300,000.
The practice employs 3 FT Staff members:
1 – FT Office Manager. Duties include insurance billing and front desk. This employee has been with the company for 20 years.
1 – FT Therapy CA. Duties include some front desk scanning, cleaning, etc.
1 – PT Therapy CA. Duties include cleaning.
Current staff is expected to stay on Sellers would stay on to transition the business.
The sellers own the building housing the practice and would lease the 3,650 sq ft. space to a buyer for $18/sq ft. Alternatively, the sellers would entertain selling the building with the practice.
Asking Price
The asking price for this opportunity is $875,000, which does not include cash, receivables, working capital, or real estate.
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